Thursday, June 20, 2019

Tough by name, Tough by Nature

Contrary to popular belief, William S. Tough was not a Kansas Red Leg. From time to time he employed men who had been members of Hoyt’s Red Leg crew, but there is no evidence that Tough was ever a part of Hoyt’s operations. Tough began his criminal career as a jayhawker under Marshal Cleveland, and later became the leader of the buckskin scouts, which according to one individual were sometimes called the Red Legged Scouts. As Chief of Scouts at Fort Smith, Arkansas, Tough undoubtedly surpassed all the Kansas Red Legs in property stolen and illicit profit.

In August 1864 a newspaper reporter wrote the following from Fort Smith, Arkansas.

"Its object was to give some show of respectability to that bandit clan, who since the occupation of this county in September last, have been 'stealing themselves rich in the name of liberty.' The Judson's, T.J. Anderson, Tough, Quartermaster Darbin, and the least respectable of the Red Leg organization, including many faces familiar to the interior of the Leavenworth guard house, now operating under the euphonious appellation of 'scouts' are running the machine with a vengeance.

During the past week hundred after hundred of mules and horses have crossed the river en route to Kansas, &c, many of which, were it not for the terrorism held over the people here, would be kept on the farms where they have been reared...Supported as the thieves are by the authorities, resistance would be madness, and the people submit sadly to a pillage which is making a desert of their State, and driving thousands of loyal people into utterly impoverished exile. A few are growing rich. McDonald in a year will make a million dollars, which will represent five hundred ruined families."

William S. Tough

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